

President of the Port Authority of Valencia

Born in Requena, and part of the 1st Graduating year in Sommelier Training from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and with a master’s degree in Viticulture, Oenology and Wine Marketing, he left his studies in Languages to become a business owner in the restaurant sector. He has been Vice President of the Spanish Federation of Hostelry, Vice President of CEPYMEV, Board Member of CEV, Spokesperson for CIERVAL, President of ACIPMAR (Association of Merchants, Manufacturers and Professionals of the Maritime District), a Trustee of Valenciaport, and the Étnor and Bancaja Foundations.

Author of a number of different articles in the press, collaborator on radio programmes, conference speaker and panellist. Since 1994 he has been the owner of the Casa Montaña restaurant and from 2017 to 2019, was the Manager at Barracart.

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