

Technical Director of Universal Accessibility, Tourism and Culture, PREDIF

Tatiana Alemán is the Technical Director of Universal Accessibility, Tourism and Culture of PREDIF (the Spanish Representative Platform for People with Physical Disabilities). She has been working in the area of accessibility and disability since 2004. Her role involves coordinating and developing projects with ties to universal accessibility in a variety of areas: construction, town-planning, tourism and culture, transport and new technologies.

At PREDIF, she has been the project lead for the development of the TUR4all mobile accessible tourism App.

She collaborated with SEGITTUR on the Tourist Destinations pilot projects carried out in Spain between 2014 and 2019.

She has also carried out and collaborated on a range of publications dealing with accessibility and accessibility issues, such as “The Metro. Accessible Architecture”, “Accessibility guidelines for mobile experiences in museums”, “Manual for organizing trade fairs and congresses for all”, “A municipality for all: best practices guide”, “Smart Tourist Destinations Report: building the future” published in 2015 by SEGITTUR and the Spanish Secretariat of State for Tourism, as well as a range of handbooks and accessible tourism guides for PREDIF. She is also a regular speaker at seminars and conferences in addition to running training courses.

She is a member of the Inclusive Leisure and Tourism Committee of CERMI (Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities), in addition to being a member of the Technical Committee for Standardization AEN/CTN 170: Universal Accessibility for All by AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardisation). She is also on the Technical Committee for Standardization AEN/CTN 178/SC 5 “Smart tourist destinations” as well as those built around the UNE standards for the Spanish Q for Quality Tourism brand.

With a degree in Architecture from the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas in El Salvador, her postgraduate studies are in Universal Accessibility and Design for All from the La Salle Centre for Higher University Studies, part of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. She also holds a Master in Assistive Technologies, Accessibility and Design for All from the Universidad Carlos III, also in Madrid.

In addition, she has a MBA from the ISEADE (Higher Institute of Economics and Business Administration) in El Salvador, a Diploma in International Business from the Universidad Anáhuac del Sur de México, as well as a Master in Interior Design from the University of Salamanca.

Finally, she is a member of ASEPAU, the Spanish Association of Universal Accessibility Professionals and non-executive board member at ENAT (European Network for Accessible Tourism).

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28030 Madrid


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